The Relationship Between Supply and Demand in the Healthcare Workforce
If a country has enough medical professionals to meet the needs of its people, it will be because of the equilibrium between the supply and demand for healthcare workers . This article examines some of the most pressing issues and shifts in the labor market today. Because of the increased longevity and complexity of patient requirements brought about by medical progress, specialists are needed to fill the void left by the shortage of primary care doctors. Also, there may be a need for more doctors across various disciplines due to the aging of the baby boomer generation. Spending money on healthcare workers' health and happiness is becoming increasingly crucial. It's been shown to have a positive effect on the company's bottom line, as well as on employee satisfaction, output, retention, and morale. Investment in a comprehensive worksite well-being program not only improves employee health and well-being but also helps firms save money on healthcare. Recent research indicat...